Wednesday, May 18, 2011


“Goals provide the energy source that powers our lives. One of the best ways we can get the most from the energy we have is to focus it. That is what goals can do for us; concentrate our energy.”
Denis Waitley

I'm a pack seems to run in my family. Lately, I've been feeling a bit closed in with the clutter of "stuff" I've colllected in my half century of existence. I sometimes feel stagnant energy,especially in the sleeping quarters of my house.That could be one of the reasons I sleep so poorly.

This week, big changes have occurred. Although I'm finding it difficult to "let go" of "stuff", the ever logical me analyzed every bloody trinket, frame, name it, and thought..will I ever wear or use this again? How many years has it been since I've picked this up..I don't remember owning this!..It's ridiculous how many possessions we accumulate. That does not define who we are!

Of course, the sentimental side of me {which is HUGE}, kept some things..I can't throw out every memory..a special letter or card I've received and as long as I vow to keep them in an album..they can stay..I admit reading all that stuff made me shed a tear and laugh hysterically more than a few times.

I now have a dozen boxes in assorted sizes filled with goodies someone will love to clutter their house with! I've only scratched the surface in the creating energy flow upstairs..but I can already feel it moving. The church I sing at Monday nights will be the recipient of those treasures for their Memorial Day tag sale.

My goal in the next two weeks is to finish the bedrooms and start on the books..I am SO focused!


Monday, May 16, 2011


" Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."
Rabindranath Tagore

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I haven't given my blog much attention, as you can see, but I guess I thought I needed to write something long and profound every week. I finally realized...I don't! It takes me a while to catch on, sometimes.

There is so much, just outside my window that should inspire me to write.For whatever reason, I haven't been motivated. So for today, I'll keep it short and post some photos of the beautiful Spring we are experiencing here in wonderful Norfolk, CT.


Violets are one of my favorite Spring offerings.

Haystack Mountain. A view from the Norfolk Post Office. Come on, who else gets a view like this?

Several years ago, I maintained this estate garden. Spring is it's best season.

Spring is about rebirth..although we hardly need anymore Canada Geese, you can't deny how cute this little one looks. Two siblings are hiding in the grass.