Sunday, May 15, 2011


I haven't given my blog much attention, as you can see, but I guess I thought I needed to write something long and profound every week. I finally realized...I don't! It takes me a while to catch on, sometimes.

There is so much, just outside my window that should inspire me to write.For whatever reason, I haven't been motivated. So for today, I'll keep it short and post some photos of the beautiful Spring we are experiencing here in wonderful Norfolk, CT.


Violets are one of my favorite Spring offerings.

Haystack Mountain. A view from the Norfolk Post Office. Come on, who else gets a view like this?

Several years ago, I maintained this estate garden. Spring is it's best season.

Spring is about rebirth..although we hardly need anymore Canada Geese, you can't deny how cute this little one looks. Two siblings are hiding in the grass.


  1. Katherine, it looks like you live in paradise! Guess Dylan and I will have to come see it to believe it! :) Beautiful photos!

  2. Thanks, guys inspired me to get back to posting something,anything on my blog!
    I sure hope you can make it out this way. Our families are destined to meet!

  3. Oh, I agree! We feel like we have known you girls for a hundred years! I think it means we definitely have a special connection!
