Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Grimsvotn..Mother Natures magnificent trouble maker...

Volcanic Eruption in Grimsvotn, Iceland May 21 2011 on Vimeo

I've been reading a lot about people "hating Iceland" because the erupting volcano is disrupting their lives. Folks..we can't control Mother Nature, and I'm not saying a cancelled flight or any other inconvenience should make us jump for joy ...but hate? It's such a strong word, and I try not to use it. Instead of thinking of ourselves, how about considering how the eruption is affecting the people, farm animals, and wildlife who inhabit the area around Grimsvotn...perhaps that will put things in perspective.

Grímsvötn Eruption 2011 - a set on Flickr

Icelanders are very hardy folks..I have every faith they'll survive this latest challenge..without any complaints.

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